Monday, January 27, 2014

Oscar has his own website!!!!

Oscar now has his own website! Please follow him at  Find helpful information on owning a mini-pig.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Gourmet Pig

Hello All-
I used to think a pig would eat anything. Slop came to mind. Yah, couldn't be further from the truth, at least where Oscar is concerned. As I carefully cut up bite size pieces for our loving pig Oscar, I realize that he eats much better than the rest of us. At least healthier! Slop? for a mini pig?.... a myth. There are definite things that Oscar refuses to eat, similar to a finicky child like celery and lettuce. I say 'things' because he does eat items that are seriously not edible like the erasers off pencils, little metal things. Not good for a pig.  Last month he ate buffing compound (scared us all), but yet not celery: just doesn't figure. I guess it's all in the preparation. Cold broccoli is a no, but cooked broccoli with butter a definite yes. Green beans unfortunately give him a belly ache. Grapes, his equivalent of candy, but I read somewhere they make a pig pee more. Not sure about that, haven't noticed. Oscar loves apples and carrots. Because our little piggy has a ph. balance issue, he gets oranges and grapefruit. Tomatoes also accomplish the same effect. A little starch is fine, bread, rice, but it adds calories. A pig needs to stay at a healthy weight or it can lead to health and joint issues. There are things that you should not feed a pig like meat protein, sugar and chocolate. Occasionally he gets a taste of egg or a smidge of left over salmon, but we keep it to a minimum. Along with his fresh produce, he gets MAZURI Micro Mini Pig Food. Again because of the ph. issue, we give him the Senior that has a bit less protein. Oscar gets a heaping third of a cup along with his medially of fruits and vegetables (about a good cups worth). During the summer when the grass is fresh, Oscar loves to gorge himself. Needless to say we cut down considerably on the extra food. He still gets fed twice a day, but a bit lighter except for the MAZURI food. The MAZURI pellets are a must because they provides essential vitamin and minerals for a healthy piggy.
So if you want to chummy up to the piggy-pie, a piece of lettuce will produce a look of "...why are you feeding me garbage?"
Buffing compound, anyone?
Who could pass up a tiny piece of cake?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Pig With His Pet!

Hi Everyone-

Betcha didn't know that Oscar has a pet. A pet bunny named Bibble! Sometimes I wonder though if Bibble has a pet pig! They sleep in the same room and play with each other when I bring Bibble out to go for a run!
Now Oscar, has a weird obsession for fuzzy things! So, when Bibble comes near him with his fluffy, fuzzy body... Oscar arches his back and sticks his tail up in the air and more times than not will raze his hackles and fall over! Same if the cat's tail touches him. We call this a flop! Bibble thinks this is hilarious! He will run around Oscar and make him flop. He nearly comes close to being crushed by Oscar's blubber, but then will heroically continue to climb up Oscar, like he is saving a princess!
Many times while Oscar performs I will bring Bibble and show everyone Oscar's flop! Bibble will even add the touch of raising up onto his back legs and wiggle his paws! Just to give it that extra drama... I AM BUNNY OF THE WORLD! NO ONE SHALL STAND IN MY WAY! I HAVE DEFEATED THE MIGHTY POLK-A- DOT PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is almost like Oscar goes into a trance or he just loves his pet bunny and wants to give Bibble the spot light now and then.
Hope this made you smile! I swear  we do not go a day without laughing at Oscar.
Here is a picture of Oscar at the Applewood Living
Center being conquered my the BIBBLE!!!!

Written By Lauren

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Well Read Pig

Good Morning-
Oscar is so excited! He is the Mountain View Elementary School's piggy prize for this year's MYON Reading Challenge. Dec 6-Jan 17th. Their slogan this year is "Pig Out on Books". The winning class gets a special visit with Oscar and a T-shirt. Students with the highest minutes also get a certificate from Scholastic Books. Oscar wishes all the students good luck and happy reading!!!


Monday, January 6, 2014

Its Cold Out There

Hello Everyone!
Oscar has been busy visiting libraries and retirement facilities. Soon Oscar will have his very own web-site! We will try to make his site full of fun information for the piggy lover. We realized that there isn't a lot of help for our fellow piggy owners out there, so we are including care information and yes, even merchandise. Oscar is very excited to help his friends and their owners. If you interested in seeing Oscar or have an event you would like him to attend, please email us and we can fill you in on the details.

Ok, so on to todays events. One of the hardest things ever is to get a piggy outside when it is below zero. First piece of equipment, not to be selfish but...., ear protection. I'm sure our neighborhood is planning on reporting us for either animal cruelty or disturbing the piece. Either way, not good. Oscar woke up this morning more than ready to head outside for his morning ritual. A little trot over to the side of the yard and success. A number two. Great. But then it happened, he realized that it was really cold and with urgency he ran inside. Fine, but he wasn't really done. I let him warm up a bit and tried for round two.  I figured he would just run out and use the obscenely giant litter pan we created out of  a Rubbermaid under the bed storage box (new use for a Rubbermaid box......not sure that's what they intended) but no, he screamed a symphony of distress. He then ran down into the yard like a mad man and then flew up the porch stairs and proceeded to run back inside. We need some way to put little boots on his hooves. Idea for a new product! I don't think pigs were really meant to see and survive the winter. Now I must explain that Oscar is not asked to trudge through the snow. We have shoveled a crossword puzzle of paths for him and he wears a coat. Finally, after the third attempt, success!  They certainly go through depression when the snow falls and their whole routine is disturbed. Oscar spent the rest of the day resting. Stay warm everyone and keep your piggy toes covered.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Im back!

Hi Everybody-

I am back. It is Minipiggy#1. I am sorry I have not been posting for a while, I have had tons of things to do with school starting, but I am back now and ready to tell you all about Oscar Mayer. Oscar Mayer is doing well and is behaving a lot better, but is curious with the coming cold fronts. The first thing I am going to start out telling you about is Oscar's first camping trip.

At the end of summer my family and I went camping up in Wyoming and brought Oscar and Cassie the dog. It was the first day we had gotten to the campsite and I wanted to go swimming down by the lake. So I headed down there with Oscar by my side. When I had gotten down to the lake, I set things up and waited for my family. When everybody finally arrived, the fun began. I brought Oscar down to the water and set a cheerio in the sand and of course he ate it, but was kind of surprised to see that the water was pretty chilly. After I had dropped a cheerio in to the sand, I dropped a cheerio a little deeper in the water and he went after it. Soon enough, I had Oscar in the water truly swimming to the point he could not touch. It was so cute to see his tiny head sticking up beyond the waves. He followed me in the water when I was swimming and making zig-zags and he completely followed along. After about five minutes in the water, Oscar decided he was done, so like a rocket he shot out of the water and ran up the beach and quietly sat by a tee pee fort that two boys had built. He wiggled and sunk his body in to the sand. Later, he repeated this step again and went back into the water and then went back into the sand. Well after I had swam with Oscar for most of the day, I decided to head back to camp and asked Oscar to follow me and he obeyed. Until my brother ran up behind him causing Oscar to bark and take off at his fastest. Oscar ran so fast and was so startled, me and my brother could not keep up with him. But finally he stopped at our campsite and did not thankfully go beyond. After that, Oscar was exhausted. He slept very well that night curled up in my sleeping bag. That day I will NEVER forget and I hope you enjoyed this post and will be reading many more.

Written By Lauren Pyle

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oscar in the bean bag

Hi it is Minipiggy#1 I am here to report on my crazy mini pig Oscar Mayer.

The next crazy thing that Oscar has started doing is involved with the beanbag chair. One morning I was looking for Oscar and he was nowhere to be found. Then we looked down to the beanbag chair and we heard a little grunt and saw the beanbag chair move just a little. Suspicious, huh? So me and my mom started thinking why every time we turn around Oscar is underneath the bean bag, so we finally conclude that it was a shelter for him considering they are a creature of prey. But anyway from that day forward Oscar loves the bean bag.

Thanks for viewing!

Written By Lauren Pyle