Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Pig With His Pet!

Hi Everyone-

Betcha didn't know that Oscar has a pet. A pet bunny named Bibble! Sometimes I wonder though if Bibble has a pet pig! They sleep in the same room and play with each other when I bring Bibble out to go for a run!
Now Oscar, has a weird obsession for fuzzy things! So, when Bibble comes near him with his fluffy, fuzzy body... Oscar arches his back and sticks his tail up in the air and more times than not will raze his hackles and fall over! Same if the cat's tail touches him. We call this a flop! Bibble thinks this is hilarious! He will run around Oscar and make him flop. He nearly comes close to being crushed by Oscar's blubber, but then will heroically continue to climb up Oscar, like he is saving a princess!
Many times while Oscar performs I will bring Bibble and show everyone Oscar's flop! Bibble will even add the touch of raising up onto his back legs and wiggle his paws! Just to give it that extra drama... I AM BUNNY OF THE WORLD! NO ONE SHALL STAND IN MY WAY! I HAVE DEFEATED THE MIGHTY POLK-A- DOT PIG!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is almost like Oscar goes into a trance or he just loves his pet bunny and wants to give Bibble the spot light now and then.
Hope this made you smile! I swear  we do not go a day without laughing at Oscar.
Here is a picture of Oscar at the Applewood Living
Center being conquered my the BIBBLE!!!!

Written By Lauren

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