Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pool Time for Oscar

Hi- It's me again, Minipiggy#1, the owner of crazy mini pig Oscar.
I am now posting my second blog ever, today. I want to tell you and hopefully put the hilarious picture into your mind of Oscar in his pool. In the pool, you have to put raisins and lettuce and tomatoes. Oscar will jump in without hesitation. When I successfully encouraged him to get into the pool, I thought I would teach him a lesson on how to put his head in the water. I simply put a raisin in my hand and lowered it to the botton of the pool, and BOOM he dunked his head into the water. I was surprised when he came back up that he closed his eyes and a water fall of water came out of his nose. To make this experience even funnier than it was already, I filled up a water gun and started to squirt him. He loved it with his tail wagging, little sprints and his happy grunts.
So then I thought I would step it up a notch and put a hose nozzle to the hose. I put it on a low jet and he played with it by biting at it and jumping into it. By the end of pool time, Oscar jumped out of the pool and quietly popped himself up the steps and walked right inside the house. The next thing I know, he was in a bean bag chair curled up looking cuter than ever and having sweet piggy pool dreams.
Thanks for viewing!

Written By Lauren Pyle

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