Saturday, October 8, 2011

Im back!

Hi Everybody-

I am back. It is Minipiggy#1. I am sorry I have not been posting for a while, I have had tons of things to do with school starting, but I am back now and ready to tell you all about Oscar Mayer. Oscar Mayer is doing well and is behaving a lot better, but is curious with the coming cold fronts. The first thing I am going to start out telling you about is Oscar's first camping trip.

At the end of summer my family and I went camping up in Wyoming and brought Oscar and Cassie the dog. It was the first day we had gotten to the campsite and I wanted to go swimming down by the lake. So I headed down there with Oscar by my side. When I had gotten down to the lake, I set things up and waited for my family. When everybody finally arrived, the fun began. I brought Oscar down to the water and set a cheerio in the sand and of course he ate it, but was kind of surprised to see that the water was pretty chilly. After I had dropped a cheerio in to the sand, I dropped a cheerio a little deeper in the water and he went after it. Soon enough, I had Oscar in the water truly swimming to the point he could not touch. It was so cute to see his tiny head sticking up beyond the waves. He followed me in the water when I was swimming and making zig-zags and he completely followed along. After about five minutes in the water, Oscar decided he was done, so like a rocket he shot out of the water and ran up the beach and quietly sat by a tee pee fort that two boys had built. He wiggled and sunk his body in to the sand. Later, he repeated this step again and went back into the water and then went back into the sand. Well after I had swam with Oscar for most of the day, I decided to head back to camp and asked Oscar to follow me and he obeyed. Until my brother ran up behind him causing Oscar to bark and take off at his fastest. Oscar ran so fast and was so startled, me and my brother could not keep up with him. But finally he stopped at our campsite and did not thankfully go beyond. After that, Oscar was exhausted. He slept very well that night curled up in my sleeping bag. That day I will NEVER forget and I hope you enjoyed this post and will be reading many more.

Written By Lauren Pyle

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Oscar in the bean bag

Hi it is Minipiggy#1 I am here to report on my crazy mini pig Oscar Mayer.

The next crazy thing that Oscar has started doing is involved with the beanbag chair. One morning I was looking for Oscar and he was nowhere to be found. Then we looked down to the beanbag chair and we heard a little grunt and saw the beanbag chair move just a little. Suspicious, huh? So me and my mom started thinking why every time we turn around Oscar is underneath the bean bag, so we finally conclude that it was a shelter for him considering they are a creature of prey. But anyway from that day forward Oscar loves the bean bag.

Thanks for viewing!

Written By Lauren Pyle

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hi it's Minipiggy#1.
Today I am going to update you on Oscars experience at my brother's baseball game.

But let me tell you how Oscar ended up being there.

Well the day my brother came home and said his team was named the Thundering Llamas I knew Oscar would have to be apart of it. So Oscar could blend into the team I made a Llamas #1 bandanna. I brought him to every baseball practice and made the team play good and pretty soon he turned into the Thundering Llamas mascot.

So then I started bringing him to every baseball game, and drew lots of crowds.The funny thing though is that every time Oscar was at the baseball game they would win, and every time he was not at a game they would loose.

But last night was the championship game and when Oscar step foot into the park the team was on a roll. Later that night they won the Championship game, and while they were taking photos of the Champions Oscar was right there in the middle of them ready for the camera!

Thanks for viewing!!!!

Written By Lauren Pyle

Monday, July 18, 2011

Oscar the Candy Stealer

Hi. Its me Minipiggy#1. I am reporting on Oscar to let you know what this crazy mini pig of mine has done this time. Well, I will start form the beginning: my dad and brother were home and I was out with my mom.
When we were gone apparently my brother or my dad (who knows?) reached into the candy door, accidentally letting Oscar see what they were doing. My brother and dad says Oscar must have wiggled himself in and a small bag of candy fell out. Well being the crazy pig that Oscar is, he had to go over and check it out. When my mom and I got home from the store and asked were Oscar was, my dad didn't know. We searched the house and in the dining room surprise, surprise, there is Oscar munching down on chocolate and candy tabs. Just to let you know, like a dog, pigs are absolutely not supposed to have chocolate, but I guess that is what you get when you have crazy mini pig.
Thanks for following!

Written By Lauren Pyle

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pool Time for Oscar

Hi- It's me again, Minipiggy#1, the owner of crazy mini pig Oscar.
I am now posting my second blog ever, today. I want to tell you and hopefully put the hilarious picture into your mind of Oscar in his pool. In the pool, you have to put raisins and lettuce and tomatoes. Oscar will jump in without hesitation. When I successfully encouraged him to get into the pool, I thought I would teach him a lesson on how to put his head in the water. I simply put a raisin in my hand and lowered it to the botton of the pool, and BOOM he dunked his head into the water. I was surprised when he came back up that he closed his eyes and a water fall of water came out of his nose. To make this experience even funnier than it was already, I filled up a water gun and started to squirt him. He loved it with his tail wagging, little sprints and his happy grunts.
So then I thought I would step it up a notch and put a hose nozzle to the hose. I put it on a low jet and he played with it by biting at it and jumping into it. By the end of pool time, Oscar jumped out of the pool and quietly popped himself up the steps and walked right inside the house. The next thing I know, he was in a bean bag chair curled up looking cuter than ever and having sweet piggy pool dreams.
Thanks for viewing!

Written By Lauren Pyle

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The New Oscar Mayer

Hi, I am Minipiggy#1, the owner of a Crazy Mini Pig. His name is Oscar P. Mayer, born April 2nd, 2011. No relation to the famous Oscar Mayer bologna. Oscar came off the airplane on May 5th, 2011. His little pink and spotted body weighed only two pounds and was the size of a LONG kitten. As of today, when I am writing my first blog, with great excitement of sharing Oscars stories with the web, he now weighs 10 pounds. He has made leaps of progress as he has grown, including making many people who pass by him happy, visiting retirement homes, and learning fun stuff every day. I would like to write this blog as a way to share with you Oscar's every day crazy life. Whether it includes our attempt to paint Oscar's toe nails or him chasing the cats around the house. Also, I would like to tell you some things we learned along the way on taking care of Oscar. Many people see Oscar and want to run out and get their own mini pig, NOT ADVISABLE! Mini pigs take lots of time and patience. As I learn more and more about this funny little creature, I decided to take all of these notes and tidbits and write a book about how to take care of these crazy mini pigs! Also, a club is in my future plan, but this blog is the first step. Along the way though, I hope to take one crazy mini pig hoof step at a time. Thanks for viewing!

Written By Lauren Pyle